Upcoming June Meeting: 6/29
SNA’s June General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 29th at 1700.
The meeting will be held at the College of Nursing in room 602. We are so excited to be holding the Accelerated elections during this meeting! There is also an option to attend via zoom if you are unable to attend in person.
Joining us this month will be UCF Clinical Instructor and Assistant Nurse Manager for the Rapid Response Team at AdventHealth Orlando, Jenna Snyder MSN, RN, and we will be learning about Oncology Nursing.
Accelerated elections will be held during this meeting as well! The two positions available are the Accelerated Liaison and Clubhouse Director. An opportunity to run at the meeting is available if you haven’t already submitted an application. Voting will take place and results will be announced after our guest speaker. REMINDER: Voting is only open to paid SNA members!
Zoom link: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/94929959257
Meeting ID: 949 2995 9257 Password: OrlSNA
To those who will be joining in person, please fill out the doodle form below so that I can make sure I get enough food (please indicate any dietary restrictions when filling out the form)!!