UCF SNA Orlando Earns Awards at FNSA ’15 Convention!
We are proud to announce that the Student Nurses’ Association of the University of Central Florida earned 4 distinctions at the Florida Nursing Students Association 2015 Convention! First and foremost, we were awarded with Division 3 Diamond Chapter, the award for best chapter overall. The Events and Traditions Committee, headed by Savannah Reed and Amy Bunton, accepted the 1st Place award for their “Break out of Your Shell” banner pictured above! Thank you to our wonderful team who worked so hard on this amazing creation. Shannon Hassett was recognized for most successful Breakthrough to Nursing! Finally, Amy Bunton and Justin Grace were honored with the award for Best Newsletter! This past year has been a team effort that could not have been so successful without the amazing standard set and groundwork done for us by the 2014-2015 board, as well as the continued guidance of our advisors Dr. Linda Howe and Ms. Chris Deatrick. Our committees are also invaluable and allow our work to have a larger impact. Thank you to everyone involved!